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SPRING 2025 SOCCER Registration NOW OPEN!

This registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for participation, volunteer and submit payment.

Register before March 16th to avoid a late fee!

(Late fees begin March 17th and end March 22nd. No exceptions after date passes.)

Once registration closes, the teams will be formed within a week so there will not be the ability to add any additional players once registration ends.

SPRING 2025 Fees and Age group information:

U4 academy: $40  

  • For those Players born  in 2021 (January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 - No Exceptions)
  • An additional waiver of liability will be required during registration
  • Season will consist of approx. 5-6 sessions

U6 academy, U8, U10 and U14: $70

Coed Divisions by birth year

  • U6: 2019-2020
  • U8: 2017-2018
  • U10: 2015-2016
  • U14: 2011-2014
  • Season will consist of approx. 10-12 games.
  • U6 will run as an academy which will help players develop their skills quicker.  Sessions will consist of skill events lead by designated coaches and transition into scrimmage type games.

Travel Soccer Teams:

  • Divisions will consist of U12 Boys, U12 Girls, U14 Boys, U14 Girls and High School Boys
  • *Approved Travel players will need a passcode from their coach before proceeding.
  • Additional medical information and waivers will be made available during the registration process. 

Thunder Bay Soccer Association

A volunteer community organization that provides recreational soccer, and oversees the Alpena FC Travel Soccer Program in Alpena, Michigan

  Don't want to miss out on future Registrations sign up for a SportsEngine account with Thunder Bay Soccer Association or like our Facebook page